Recent Articles
Should You Build a Columbarium at Your Church or Cemetery?
A columbarium is a permanent structure with niches to hold urns containing cremated remains. As cremation continues to become a more common end-of-life choice, there is a greater need for options of a sacred final resting place. Columbarium Planners works with churches and cemeteries to design columbarium gardens that are created specifically for the site […]
Columbarium Construction
Why Columbarium Construction Is a Growing Trend
The number of people choosing cremation as an end-of-life solution has been growing for years. In 2015, the number was approximately 50 percent, but the scales tipped the following year. Consequently, more cremations mean cemeteries and churches now include columbarium construction plans in addition to traditional burial sites. In fact, Columbarium Planners originated to meet […]
Church Columbarium
Columbariums Offer 4 Major Benefits to Churches
More Americans are now choosing the option of cremation rather than burial for their loved ones. To support this choice, Columbarium Planners design and build columbariums for churches and cemeteries. While columbariums are designed to provide comfort and support to the bereaved, they also offer several unique benefits to the church as a whole.
Church Columbarium
Church Columbariums Provide Solace for Grieving Community Members
Death is an inevitable fact of life. For that reason, churches place a strong emphasis upon preparing their members for life, death, and life after death. At Columbarium Planners, we help churches support their congregants throughout this process by constructing columbarium gardens. These sites provide a spiritually uplifting, attractive, and meaningful place for families to […]
Raising Funds for a Community Columbarium Is Within Reach
A columbarium is an invaluable addition to a church or community at any time, especially during a global pandemic. Columbarium Planners will help you navigate the myriad considerations that come with planning and constructing a columbarium to find the right solution for you. In addition, we will provide accurate estimates and insight as you begin […]
Church Columbarium
Columbariums Help Churches to Support Grieving Community Members
Many churches have struggled to find a meaningful way to serve their congregants during the era of COVID-19. Countless families, however, are grieving lost loved ones and are seeking a source of support. As a show of compassion and ongoing support for your church members, we suggest investing in a columbarium. Columbarium Planners will walk […]
Columbariums Are Essential as More Americans Are Choosing Cremation
According to the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA), more than 50% of Americans who die this year will be cremated. This number has risen steadily in recent years and is expected to continue to climb. At Columbarium Planners, we help communities accommodate for this growing need by designing and constructing columbariums. Contact us today to […]
Answers to Our Most Frequently Asked Columbarium Questions
Americans are increasingly opting for cremation over traditional burial; therefore, the need for columbariums is on the rise. Developing plans for a columbarium is a challenge, though, if you aren’t well-informed. At Columbarium Planners, we make the process of planning, designing, and constructing a columbarium as simple as possible. We’ve compiled a list of our […]
Honor Your Community Members with a Beautiful, Secure Columbarium
Every year, people in the United States are increasingly choosing cremation in lieu of earthen burial. Unfortunately, many churches find themselves lacking a way to honor those who have been cremated. If you wish to support your community members in the passing of their loved ones, Columbarium Planners can help. We design and construct beautiful, […]
Columbarium Design
Columbarium Design Services for Churches, Cemeteries, and Engineers
At Columbarium Planners, we design and create custom columbariums for churches and cemeteries in North Carolina and beyond. Our team is comprised of site planners, landscape architects, and facility designers. In addition to working directly with clients, we are also available to subcontract for architect and design firms.